
步骤1. 联系你的校园顾问


探索我们的 本科专业 和你的导师确认你的选择. 一旦你做出了选择, the 关系主任 will help you to review the Andrews Core Experience guidelines. 

重要通知: 重要通知: The AITP program is generally designed to offer undergraduate degrees, 或者学位重点领域, at 最新靠谱的足球外围推荐大学 that may not be offered at our partner 机构s.



顾问, 亨利·扬,书记官长

  • 电子邮件: registrar@hkac.edu

  • WhatsApp

  • 要开始,请联系Mr. 亨利在注册办公室. His office is on the main floor of the Administration Building; you can also contact him by 电子邮件 him 在这里.





顾问, 桑德拉·古铁雷斯

  • 开始吧, 请与桑德拉·古铁雷斯联系, 关系主任, 通过电话, +511-942-827-564, by WhatsApp,或由 电子邮件.

  • 查阅非官方及官方成绩单: Please see the UPeU Registrar or Secretaría 一般 in the FACIHED Building (main floor). 您也可以通过电话+511-618-6300与该办公室联系 电子邮件 或者在我们的 网站

  • 为您的签证面试向美国大使馆提供推荐信, 你可以通过 电子邮件, or please contact the Office of Cooperación Nacional e Internacional on the fourth floor of the Administration building (Rectorado). 

  • For the additional specific steps you'll take at 最新靠谱的足球外围推荐大学 to apply, be admitted 和 enrolled as an Andrews International 转移 Partnership (AITP) student, 请查看完整的详细信息 页面.

  • Para obtener información adicional en español sobre nuestra asociación internacional, puede leer más aqui.

  • Todas las páginas del sitio web de la Universidad Andrews están configuradas para traducirse a su idioma preferido. 我不反对贸易automáticamente una página贸易网站 最新靠谱的足球外围推荐.edu, simplemente busque la opción "Seleccionar idioma" en la parte superior de las páginas y seleccione español.


顾问,博士. 希米. Marundu

  • 要开始,请联系Dr. 希米. Marundu, UEAB Quality Assurance Officer, who assists with UEAB Affiliations 和 Linkages, by 电子邮件.

  • 查阅非官方及官方成绩单, 请到行政大楼见UEAB注册主任. 你也可以通过 电子邮件.

  • 创建一个最新靠谱的足球外围推荐大学帐户 在线; for complete details on applying, see 步骤2:大学招生/1:创建一个帐户 在主AITP上 页面.

  • 为您的签证面试向美国大使馆提供推荐信, 请见副校长, 学生事务处(DVC-SAS)办公室在行政大楼. 你也可以通过 电子邮件.

  • For the additional specific steps you'll take at 最新靠谱的足球外围推荐大学 to apply, be admitted 和 enrolled as an Andrews International 转移 Partnership (AITP) student, 请查看完整的详细信息 页面.


步骤2. 大学录取 

  • Go 在这里 创建一个帐户.
  • 完成联系信息部分. 
  • 完成地址信息部分. 
  • Select "本科" as your level 和 "转移" as your student type.
  • 在AITP下, 国际转让/交换和国家协议”部分, 一定要选择“是”,,然后在下面的下拉菜单中选择你的大学名称.
  • 按照说明创建安全密码.
  • 点击“创建我的帐户”.”
  • 登录后,系统会显示“我的帐户”页面. 
  • 点击位于顶部菜单中的“在线申请”.
  • 选择你要填写的申请类型. 
  • Contact the Affiliation Director to receive the current code that will waive your application fee of $30.
  • 填写并提交申请. 
  • After an application is submitted, the “My account” 页面 will show on your application history.
  • 选择你的申请,然后点击“提交补充项目” & 文件”.
  • Upload all admission documents listed such as test scores, transcripts, etc.
  • 一旦你的申请完成, our admissions team will review all your documents 和 make an admission decision. 
  • 请注意: Professional programs may require an additional application 和 admission process to study in those specific degree programs. Those programs may have additional GPA 和 prerequisite course requirements to be eligible for admission, 和 our transfer admissions team will confirm those additional details 和 steps needed to receive full admission into each professional program.
  • 在做出决定后,我们将向您发送录取决定书.
  • Your International Partner Scholarship will be formally confirmed in your I-20 application process.


All admitted students are required to submit official final transcripts after admission decision. An official transcript is an academic record that has been received from an issuing 机构 or a secure, 经认证的指定方. 它必须具有机构验证(如印章), 标志, 或水印), 日期, 以及适当的签名. 成绩单 received that do not meet these requirements will not be considered official.


步骤3. 学生签证

All international students who attend 最新靠谱的足球外围推荐大学 will need to document that they have adequate financial resources to cover at least one year of overall annual costs at 最新靠谱的足球外围推荐大学.


  • 寄送I-20表格所需的护照复印件和邮寄地址.
  • Estimated Budget sheet showing evidence of financial resources for one academic year.
  • Financial statements showing your ability to cover your first-year expenses.
  • $3,000 International Student Deposit (not required for citizens of Bahamas, 百慕大, 加拿大或墨西哥)
  • $100不可退还的国际学生费用.
  • 第一学期学费预付六千美元 & 费用.

关于I-20申请流程的更多细节可以在这里找到 在这里 和 在这里.

在理想的情况下, students should plan to complete all of these I-20 requirements at least two months before a semester begins to allow time for review 和 approval, 和 to allow time for scheduling of a visa interview once you've received your I-20.

如果您有其他问题,请发电子邮件 isfs@最新靠谱的足球外围推荐.edu.

Once all the I-20 requirements are submitted the Office of 国际学生服务 will process 和 mail to you the I-20. 

When you receive your I-20 document, you will be ready to schedule an appointment at the closest U.S. 大使馆或领事馆. I实际上,你会想要计划让你的美国.S. Embassy/Consulate interview no later than one to two months before the 日期 classes begin.

After your student visa is approved, you are ready to travel to the United States of America!

请注意: All of the final steps you'll need to take before you arrive on campus can be found 在这里

当你第一次以学生身份进入美国时, 通过飞机或过境, 你必须出示你的护照、学生签证和I-20. Please request all documents inspected by customs officers to be returned as they are your property 和 you are required to show them at each port of entry.

Don't forget to stop by 国际学生服务 office as soon as you arrive at 最新靠谱的足球外围推荐大学 as we will need to sign your I-20 和 make a copy of your student visa.

有关前往美国的更多详细信息可在此找到 在这里.


我们希望你的最后一步顺利而愉快! 按照步骤开始. 


有问题? 我们有答案. Our staff members are dedicated to helping you find the answers you need.